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Best EdWebinars of 2018 for Educators and Administrators Supporting Struggling Readers

Categories: Assistive Technology, Curriculum & Access, dyslexia, Education & Teaching, Learning Disabilities

As part of our ongoing commitment to support classroom teachers and administrators, Learning Ally hosts several edWebinars each year with an emphasis on professional development and CEU credits. With this in mind, we want to share four of the best EdWebinars in 2018 presented by an incredible lineup of education thought leaders. These experts discuss their challenges and share best reading practices, research-based strategies, and models of success to enrich your knowledge.

What Dyslexia Red Flags Look Like for Different Students in Different Grades

Presented by: Kelli Sandman-Hurley, Ed.D., Co-Founder, Dyslexia Training Institute; and Tracy Block-Zaretsky, Co-Founder, Dyslexia Training Institute

sign that says don't ignore the flagsWe know that dyslexia occurs on a continuum and the red flags in one student might not be the same as the red flags for another student.  In this edWebinar, the presenters use case studies to uncover the red flags across different grade levels to illustrate the many ways dyslexia can manifest in students. By understanding the warning signs, teachers can begin to provide interventions and accommodations that help to close the gap between a student’s decoding capability and their ability to comprehend grade-level content. When these warning signs go undetected, students develop an academic and homework gap that grows as they move from elementary to middle to high school. Don’t let this happen to your students.

This edWebinar is especially appropriate for state, district, and school administrators and teachers of all grades and topics. You may also enjoy reading this blog, “Decoding vs. Cognitive Ability - Automaticity


5 Things to Give Up So Your Struggling Readers Won’t

Presented by: BeLinda Martin, Fifth Grade Reading/ELA Teacher

photo of belinda martin and text make reading comfortable and fun for studentsOnly half of Ms. Martin’s incoming class of fifth graders were reaching or exceeding levels of reading proficiency. She had to think differently and find new ways to address their gap in reading abilities. Her first step was to give up these beliefs:

  • Thinking that direct instruction was the only way to reach and engage students
  • Designing the environment first without thinking about the needs of the students
  • Believing that students were stuck in their level of reading proficiency
  • Believing the myths that audiobooks are cheating
  • Teaching to the test and not with the needs of students in mind

This edWebinar is especially suited for elementary and middle school general and special education teachers, reading and dyslexia specialists and ESL teachers. You may also enjoy reading Ms. Martin’s blog on this topic.


Mrs. Reyes sitting with a student in class. He has headphones on and is reading a tablet.Strategies and Ideas for Creating a Dyslexia-Friendly Classroom

Presented by Nelda Reyes, Dyslexia Interventionist, De Zavala Elementary, San Marcos CISD, TX

Last year, Mrs. Reyes attended an edWebinar by Kristy Mathieu titled “45 Ways to Support Struggling Readers,” and became inspired to make changes in her own classroom and school. Her goal was to embrace a culture of learning and literacy for dyslexic students. She made swift changes to ensure that as she planned her academic instruction for dyslexic students. She also took into consideration their social and emotional needs. This edWebinar discusses her journey and some excellent ideas to stimulate reading growth and learning confidence.

This edWebinar is suited for elementary level general and SPED teachers, reading specialists, speech language pathologists, librarians, guidance counselors, principals, SPED directors, directors of assistive technology, and directors of curriculum.

You may also enjoy these blogs, “Spring into Reading and Grow as Learners,” and Mrs. Reyes post blog, “Reading Strategies to Create a Dyslexia Friendly Classroom” about this edWebinar.  


Motivation Matters: 10 Research-Based Strategies to Motivate Struggling Readers

Presented by Terrie Noland, V.P. of Educator Initiatives at Learning Ally

Young boy at desk with a printed books, hands on head, troubled lookResearch shows that an alarming number of students hate to read. This is a painful realization for teachers. Through an extensive review of current literature and research, Ms. Noland reveals what educators can do to counteract this decline in student motivation through strategies that will not only boost motivation but will have a positive, powerful impact on reading achievement. Whether you are an administrator, specialist, or classroom teacher you will walk away motivated to integrate a number of the ten different strategies discussed in this session. 

Learning Ally Audiobook Solution helps educators transform the lives of struggling readers. 

We provide access to grade-level content to bridge the gap for students with learning differences who can cognitively comprehend information, but cannot read on grade level. Our high quality, human-read audiobooks, coupled with a suite of teacher resources, is a cost effective solution for your school. Schedule a demo today!

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