Become a Reading Champion

A Program honoring Specialists and Tutors who encourage reading with Learning Ally. Learning Ally Audiobook Solution and our Reading Champions are a powerful team to help students with reading deficits.

Become a Reader Champion

Your goal is to help your students succeed. So is ours.

Our human-read audiobooks solution is essential for students of all ages as they are learning to read and/or reading to learn! With Learning Ally Audiobook Solution, students can read the same books as their peers independently while those in older grades can complete homework assignments with ease! Watch your clients build reading skills with less frustration, read at grade level, keep up with their peers and enjoy reading independently!

Learning Ally appreciates you!

When you participate in Learning Ally’s Reading Champion Program, you receive all kinds of benefits, including a listing in our Directory, discounted memberships for your students, and many other rewards!

Here’s how it works:

Young student uses digital tablet in class

Already have an account?

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on “refer a student”.
  3. Enter your student/parent details, prequalifying your clients so that Learning Ally can follow up and help your clients get set up.

And don’t forget to email your parents for permission to provide their child’s name and qualification status. Here’s a
pre-written parent letter
regarding your referral, to make this easy for you. Continue to refer and qualify students and enjoy the benefits of being a part of the Learning Ally Reading Champions program!

Need an account?

  1. Register as a Specialist and upon approval you will receive access to your own complimentary account.
    1. Easily pre-qualify students and offer discounted memberships for your clients.
    2. Access sample public domain books to demonstrate the benefits of a Learning Ally membership. We know you’ll agree Learning Ally is a great tool for your students. Then…
  2. Enter your student/parent details, so that Learning Ally can follow up and help your client gain access to our audiobook solution.

3 Levels of Benefits

Reading Qualifier

After your first successful referral:

  • You are automatically entered into our Directory of Reading Specialists, which is accessed by 35k+ parents of students with reading differences.
  • Plus, 20% off Learning Ally Membership for your clients.

Reading Champions

Successfully refer 5 students and receive:

  • A special badge that will appear next to your name in the Directory, and that you can post on your website, in your email signature, etc.
  • The opportunity to contribute to the Learning Ally blog.
  • Recognition on Learning Ally’s social media networks.

Champions Plus

Successfully refer 10 or more students:

  • Receive Reading Champion benefits.
  • Special recognition on our website.
  • A free membership to offer a qualified client.
  • Speaking opportunities, at Learning Ally events.
  • Participation in our scholarship award select committees.
  • Entered into drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card.

Everything you need to know to be a Reading Champion!

Why Learning Ally?
How do I qualify my students?
Who Can Determine Eligibility?

Eligibility Guidelines

Reading Champion Resources

Confident businesswoman executive coach in casual clothes using laptop computer, having video conference call virtual meeting, professional training negotiation, remote working from home.

Our Blog

Tips and shareable content to help parents
with struggling readers

Go to the Blog >

Teachers at Professional Learning for Dyslexia

Dyslexia Resources

Get help from dyslexia experts
and Reading Specialists

Go to Dyslexia Resources >


Teacher and school kid using digital table in library

Tutor Directory

Find a tutor in your area to help
your struggling reader

Go to Tutor Directory >

Man teaching the boy

Specialist Directory

Upon your first referral you will be included in this directory that reached 35,000 parents annually

Go to Specialist Directory >

Learning Ally is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, ID: 13-1659345. We are proud to be recognized at the highest levels by various charity compliance authorities Charity Navigator, Guidestar (Candid), and BBB. Get Involved!
