Human-narrated audiobooks to help you succeed
Proven support for your child or college
Proven support for your child or college
Support your dyslexic child with Learning Ally’s human-read
audiobooks. Our solution bridges the gap between decoding
words and comprehending information, making essential school
books accessible. Help your child thrive in the classroom and
beyond, building confidence that impacts all aspects of life.
Support your academic journey with Learning Ally’s human-read
audiobooks, designed to support students with print disabilities.
Our solution bridges the gap between reading and
comprehension, making essential textbooks and literature
accessible. Thrive in your studies and beyond, empowering
yourself to achieve your fullest potential
Find a reading specialist in your area to help determine if your
child can benefit from interventions and get in-depth support
helping your child read a story at their grade-level.
The use of Learning Ally audiobooks for kids with dyslexia is restricted to those who have a demonstrated learning disability, visual impairment, or physical disability that makes it difficult to read using traditional print. For legal reasons, we require documentation from a qualified professional for each member.
Parents: get your child the dyslexia help they need from leading dyslexia experts and reading specialists on IEPs, 504 plans, specific learning disabilities and so much more. With every book comes an opportunity to help a child break free from the chains of their issues with dyslexia. To unlock a child’s full ability, it is important to properly identify the barriers keeping them from their learning goals. With dyslexia, the sooner it is properly diagnosed, the sooner a child can start to learn more effectively in the classroom and at home. We are happy to help you find a book that will help you provide the best support possible for the student in your life.
The Dollar General Literacy Foundation and Learning Ally have united to bolster literacy and education across communities. Together we have created free resources for families that empower and support parents and caregivers in building literacy at home.