Learning Ally audiobooks can open the door to a lifetime of learning

Audiobooks make it easier for you to read, comprehend, and learn.

Here's How it Works

Through a Learning Ally membership, you will have access to nearly thousands of titles, including the world's largest library of audio textbooks. Simply select the book you need, then listen to it on the PC, Mac, Chromebook, iOS or Android device of your choice.

Multiple Playback Devices and Features

Knowledgeable narrators. Easy-to-use features. Flexible playback options. Not all audiobooks are created equal; find out why ours are considered the best. Simply select the book you need, then listen to it on Apple or Android smartphones and tablets, PC or Mac computers, and Chromebooks.

Android and iOS Devices

Important: To play our audiobooks on Apple iOS and Android devices you'll need to download the free Learning Ally Link app.

PC, Mac and Chromebook Computers

Important: To play our audiobooks on a PC, Mac or Chromebook, you'll need to download the free Learning Ally Link app.

DAISY devices

Important: Learning Ally audiobooks can also be played on DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) Devices – a type of player designed especially for audiobooks.

Audiobooks Work

Audiobooks will allow you to spend less time struggling to read or access written words, and more time understanding and absorbing the material. That means you feel more confident in your reading, discover a greater sense of independence and even begin to enjoy the experience.