Make a difference today

An estimated 30 million children struggle to read and learn. Without support, the future is bleak for many children with learning differences due to higher than average dropout rates, self-esteem issues, and chronic drug and alcohol abuse. While the current obstacles facing these children seem immense, Learning Ally continues to make a huge difference. Through the generosity of our volunteers, donors, and supporters millions of students receive the reading interventions they need to succeed academically, and in life.

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Pre-teen students in computer lab with instructor. Classroom, school, education.

Donate to Learning Ally

Make a gift today! When you donate, you bring life-changing
solutions to millions of students who struggle to read.

Donor Advised Funds

A convenient and flexible way to manage your charitable giving and a cost-effective alternative to establishing a private foundation.

Gifts of Stock

Giving appreciated securities or mutual funds is a fast and easy way to make a gift to Learning Ally

Become an Education Advocate

Join a special group of people who donate each month to bring life-changing solutions to millions of struggling readers.

Designing Your Own Fundraiser

Bring your unique perspective to helping struggling readers. Create your own event and raise funds to support kids. Invite your friends and family to join you in supporting student success!

Honor Someone Special

Celebrate and pay tribute to a friend, loved one, mentor or teacher with a special gift in his or her name. Send an E-card or have Learning Ally send a special notification card by mail.

Establish Your Legacy

Create a Legacy and provide forward-looking support for future generations of the most vulnerable students. Help ensure sustainable change in their lives for years to come by including Learning Ally in your will, estate and financial plans.

Share Your Story

Everyone has a story to tell. As a member, parent, volunteer, donor or educator, we want to hear what you have to say about learning differently. Share your experience and insights with our community of student champions.

Sponsor a Student

Empower students by underwriting membership to provide access to our audiobook content, learning tools and transformative reading programs.

Double Your Impact

Many companies will match your contribution. See if your employer will match your gifts to Learning Ally to further support our students’ success.

Learning Ally is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, ID: 13-1659345. We are proud to be recognized at the highest levels by various charity compliance authorities Charity Navigator, Guidestar (Candid), and BBB. Get Involved!
