Taking it Back to the Old School

Kelly Lucero

Education Collaborators

11:00am-12:00pm ET

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Overwhelmed...how many times have we heard this response? We hear it from students, teacher, and parents; we are all feeling the 2020 blues. But what if we take a step back, so we can harness that joy of teaching once again. Let's get to the root of what is needed for our primary learners. During this presentation I will share three simple lessons you can do now with your community to encourage early literacy that's sustainable, creative and engaging.

Mini-Lesson 1: Teaching parents how to read to, with and for their children.
Mini-Lesson 2: Using common household items to help teach basic math/reading concepts.
Mini-Lesson 3: Vowel Town breaking down the mystery of vowel sounds through funny stories, songs and play.

About the Presenter:

Primary literacy coach turned education consultant, Kelly Lucero is a wealth of knowledge helping learners succeed and bridging the gap of early literacy in the blended learning venue. With a background in Elementary Education and a master’s degree in Reading & Literacy, she has a knack for creating meaningful stories and engaging lessons to share with young readers and their families.

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