Learning Ally Blog: Access and Achievement


Now more than ever, people with learning and visual disabilities are flourishing in the classroom, launching productive careers and becoming assets in their communities. This blog spotlights remarkable individuals who demonstrate that having a visual or print disability is no barrier to educational success.

Speak with Our Experts
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February 20, 2015 by Lauren Holstein (LAE)

Learning Ally is staffed with experts versed in topics including dyslexia and learning disabilities, blindness and visual impairment, assistive ... Read More about Speak with Our Experts

We Need Yes! Student Ambassadors in Massachusetts
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February 19, 2015 by User

Have you heard about our YES! Program? It's for students with learning differences who would like to learn how to recognize ... Read More about We Need Yes! Student Ambassadors in Massachusetts

4 Great Parent Resources for Dyslexia
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February 13, 2015 by User

Before my son started kindergarten, the signs were there. I didn't know it, but they were plain as day ... Read More about 4 Great Parent Resources for Dyslexia

Embracing All Learners: Building Mindsets and Skills for All Educators
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February 13, 2015 by User

Whether you're shopping for shoes or teaching in a classroom, one size does not fit all. In the Feb. ... Read More about Embracing All Learners: Building Mindsets and Skills for All Educators

Teacher Blog: Dyslexia Support for Schools
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February 12, 2015 by Lindsey Novak

Dyslexia is a language-based processing disorder resulting in a learning disability often characterized by difficulties with accurate word recognition, ... Read More about Teacher Blog: Dyslexia Support for Schools