Educators icon - stack of books

Are you ready to access the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution for your students?

Please complete the form below to get complimentary access to our library of human-read audiobooks.

In order to activate this offer and set up your Learning Ally account, the signature from an authorized administrator with purchasing authority for school or district is required.

Already have a school subscription? Call 800-221-4792 for Support.

* indicates required fields

Your Information:


School Administrator

Note: In order to activate this offer and set up your Learning Ally account, the signature from an authorized administrator with purchasing authority for school or district is required.

Please fill out the "Contact Us" form to submit your question or issue.

COVID-19 Implementation Considerations

As you might imagine, there is a high demand for Learning Ally account setup services during this unprecedented crisis. We have a very simple self-serve process for getting your students and teachers started, but high levels of demand may generate a slight delay in account setup, so please be patient with our caring and diligent customer success and service teams, and know that we are striving to ensure your experience with our solution is excellent.