Our Reading Tutor Network includes only tutors who have been trained in multisensory structured language (MSL) instruction – the most effective approach for helping dyslexics learn to read. This is the first comprehensive national directory of reading tutors trained in multisensory structured language (MSL) instruction by the country’s leading training and certification organizations.
We know this approach is critical because it specifically addresses the challenges that people with dyslexia face when learning to read, it’s endorsed by experts, and our members report high levels of success with it.
Learning Ally recognizes that parents have many factors to consider besides training when selecting a reading tutor for their child. Most important is whether you see a good fit and quality of interaction between the tutor and your child. That chemistry is critical for engaging your child so they are willing to put forth the effort necessary for success. And as a parent, you will have to balance your own logistical and pocketbook considerations as well. Our "Tip Sheet: How to Find the Right Reading Tutor" outlines questions you can ask a prospective tutor and help you think through who is the best match for your situation.