Writer’s Craft and Text Structure: Grades K-2

Presented by Lisa Klein

This workshop will present practical suggestions for teaching writer’s craft and text structure in the primary classroom. First, teachers will learn a routine for effectively using mentor text to help students deconstruct and construct written pieces. The sophistication of dyslexic children’s ideas and their understanding of language are not always reflected in their writing. Students benefit from systematic, direct, explicit instruction on text structure in developmentally appropriate ways. Research suggests that when students have a sense of text structure it positively impacts both their comprehension and written expression. Teachers will learn about the reciprocal relationship between reading and writing and how to teach their students to “read like a writer.

Conference registration required.


Session Objectives

  • Participants will understand and learn a routine for using mentor text in their classroom.
  • Participants will recognize and understand the importance of explicit instruction regarding text structure in developing writers.

More about the speaker

Lisa Klein

Lisa Klein is the Executive Vice President of Keys to Literacy, a professional development organization based in Massachusetts that trains educators across the country. An experienced educator with a passion for literacy and learning, she began teaching in 1995 at the Landmark School, a school renowned for their work with children and adolescents with language-based learning disabilities. Throughout her career in education, Lisa enjoyed being a classroom teacher, a special educator, and a reading specialist, in both urban and suburban schools. As a Keys to Literacy trainer for eight years, she was passionate about her work with students, teachers, and administrators from schools across the United States. In her current role, Lisa appreciates the opportunity to collaborate with district and school leadership to customize professional development plans which bring consistent literacy routines to students across all grade levels and subject areas.