
Learn some strategies to use during the IEP process that ensures both the parents/guardians and the school are equal partners in the process to ensure your child has the best educational experience. Participants will learn ways to collect qualitative data (beyond test scores) prior to the meeting that can help describe the child's needs, decide if, when and how your child can participate in the process.

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With proper instruction, people with dyslexia can learn to read. The tutors in our network are specially trained in literacy programs developed specifically to help dyslexics improve their reading skills. Dyslexia is not connected to vision problems or intelligence. It is a neurological difference that creates special challenges in identifying distinct letters and words in print and connecting written letters with their associated sounds. Together, these make it difficult to “decode” words when learning to read. Reading programs that do not address these specific challenges are far less effective in helping dyslexics learn to read.

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Deborah Lynam from the AIM Institute for Learning & Research for an informational webinar to help you understand IEP and 504 Plan annual reviews, get organized, stay organized and begin a plan of action to advocate and partner with your child’s school. In this webinar you will learn how to create a binder of important documents and materials to maintain control over the daunting task of meetings, notes, progress reports and more.

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