Activities to Teach Children the Six Components of Early Literacy Instruction, PreK-K

Presented by Dr. Donald Bear

Activities for early literacy development are presented in six areas: 1) Oral Language, 2) Alphabet Knowledge, 3) Phonological Awareness, 4) Letter-Sound Knowledge, 5) Concepts about Print and 6) Concept of Word in Text. Instruction is integrated and differentiated to show how preschoolers build on the rhythm of language to acquire Phonological Awareness. The activities highlight neglected aspects of teaching orthographic and word knowledge during Emergent reading, especially rhythm in literacy instruction, and Concept of Word in Text (COW-T). The aim is to show how to present early literacy experiences that are developmental, interesting, and sufficiently intense. These activities are supported by recent research in neurology and psychology.

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Session Objectives

  • Attendees will consider their knowledge of each of the six components of literacy instruction in the Emergent stage.
  • Attendees will become familiar with numerous activities for word study for each component.
  • Attendees will understand the importance of Concept of Word in Text in moving from Emergent to Beginning reading.
  • Attendees will understand the synchrony of reading and writing development and how to teach them as reciprocal processes.
  • Attendees will become familiar with recent research and resources that support PreK-K childhood literacy instruction.

More about the speaker

Donald is Professor Emeritus in Literacy Studies at Iowa State University and University of Nevada, Reno where he directed reading centers and taught at all levels. He is a former classroom teacher, and an author and co-author of numerous articles, chapters, and 17 books, including Words Their Way. He is involved in innovative professional development activities, and his work in assessment and word study is used widely. Donald is involved in studies that examine literacy learning, particularly studies of orthographic development in different and second languages. The research explores the specific sequence students follow across the synchrony of literacy learning from beginning concept of word in prekindergarten to the morphological knowledge that underlies academic vocabulary learning.