Image for The enduring vision. Volume II  Since 1865 a history of the American people

The enduring vision. Volume II Since 1865 a history of the American people

by Boyer Paul S.


The Enduring Vision features an engaging narrative that integrates political, social, and cultural history within a chronological framework. The first U.S. history survey to incorporate sustained attention to cultural history, the text is also known for its innovative coverage of public health, the environment, and the West--including Native American history. The Sixth Edition presents increased global coverage and a new comparative feature, "Beyond America: Global Interactions," which provides an international context for significant developments in the United States. A range of student oriented pedagogical features--including focus questions and an online glossary--makes this edition even more accessible. The authors continue to explore the enduring vision of the American people, a vision they describe as "a shared determination to live up to the values that give meaning to America."

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Book Information

Copyright year 2008
ISBN-13 9780618801626
ISBN-10 0618801626
Class Copyright
Publisher Houghton Mifflin
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 596
Length of Recording 51
Shelf No. HZ273