Discover dyslexia resources from Learning Ally. These words were said to me by a well-meaning friend yesterday. At first, I was a bit taken aback because my kids *are* smart…. Read more
Discover dyslexia resources from Learning Ally. by Dr. Kelli Sandman-Hurley Dyslexia Training Institute In 2015 the California legislature passed a dyslexia law, known as AB1369. Part of this new law requires… Read more
Discover dyslexia resources from Learning Ally. Dear Ms Smith, First, I want to say how much I admire you. You see, I am the daughter of a public school teacher,… Read more
“You learn any way you can. My kid didn’t want to read — I got him into reading the same way I got into reading, through comic books. Now, my… Read more
wice-exceptional (2e) is a term used to describe a child who has high intelligence but struggles to learn in school. In the case of a bright dyslexic child, the child… Read more