PADMA stands for Positive Actions to Develop and Mentor Adolescents, an organization dedicated to helping kids believe in life’s possibilities. PADMA believes that young people face traumatic experiences and challenging circumstances which make their formative years incredibly difficult to manage. Many do not believe what they are capable of due to lack of mentorship and support systems.
Their mission is to ensure all children have the opportunity to build a strong foundation for their future. Through local races, PADMA supports organizations that provide mentorship, skill-building opportunities, and other services that help youth navigate the many challenges of today’s society.

Through the Run for PADMA events, both funds and awareness are raised in support of the meaningful work of nonprofit partner organizations that help youth develop the confidence, courage, and optimism to realize their full potential. Desi Dash 5K, their fall walk/run in New Jersey, raised $5,000 for Learning Ally, bringing awareness to the struggles students have with reading due to a learning difference such as a visual impairment or dyslexia.
Learning Ally proudly attended the event, where local community leaders, corporate partners and their employees, came together to enjoy an outdoor event and compete for medals and bragging rights. The Desi Dashers added a hint of culture, sharing samosas, chai tea and other delicious Indian treats. Friends and family members of all ages cheered each other on to the finish line. A truly wonderful way to spend time with one another, while we immerse ourselves in the beautiful lush greenery at Duke Island Park in Bridgewater, New Jersey. For more information, visit: https://www.runforpadma.org/
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