To ensure all learners become skilled readers, we must gain new knowledge and then apply that knowledge to transform literacy in our schools. Here is a recap of the 10… Read more
Categories: Assistive Technology, DyslexiaLearning Ally Blog: Access and Achievement
Now more than ever, people with learning and visual disabilities are flourishing in the classroom, launching productive careers and becoming assets in their communities. This blog spotlights remarkable individuals who demonstrate that having a visual or print disability is no barrier to educational success.
March 8, 2024 – Princeton, NJ – Learning Ally, a national nonprofit working with U.S. K-12 schools to strengthen reading outcomes, has concluded its seventh annual Great Reading Games competition. The Great… Read more
Categories: Great Reading GamesLearn how Dollar General and Learning Ally have partnered to offer a Family Literacy Toolkit to support the school-to-home connection that is vital to reading success.
Categories: General, Press ReleasesStudents who struggle to read make up a substantial portion of the 1.2 million students who leave high school each year without a diploma. Learn vital steps to addressing the learning needs of struggling high school readers.
Categories: UncategorizedPADMA stands for Positive Actions to Develop and Mentor Adolescents, an organization dedicated to helping kids believe in life’s possibilities. PADMA believes that young people face traumatic experiences and challenging circumstances which make their formative… Read more
Categories: resource