Dyslexia Support

Solutions that support students with dyslexia

Learning Ally is a trusted, award-winning, literacy non-profit with 75+ years of history enabling educators and students with dyslexia to succeed. Our professional learning and digital solutions help teachers accelerate learning for their students with reading deficits.

Teacher With Mature Male Adult Student Using Digital Tablet At Table Working In College Library

Dyslexia Awareness Training

Moving from understanding to action, Learning Ally’s Dyslexia Awareness Training provides teachers, administrators, and families with an understanding of the challenges students with dyslexia face, how to identify common characteristics of dyslexia, and strategies and accommodations in the classroom and at home.


Learning Ally Audiobook Solution®

Provide elementary, middle, and high-school students with dyslexia immediate access to your curriculum and popular literature titles through Learning Ally’s Audiobook Solution. Our human-read e-books provide audio and text to accelerate reading, enhance self-confidence, and help improve test scores. .

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Indian little boy using laptop at home.
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Spotlight on Dyslexia

For 10 years, Learning Ally has brought together leading researchers, thought leaders, and educators to share cutting-edge insights, practical strategies, and inspiring success stories. This year, we’re raising the bar—providing access to more resources, expert knowledge, and actionable tools than ever before.

  • Educate – Recognize dyslexia signs, analyze data, and implement effective accommodations.
  • Empower – Apply research-backed literacy instruction and better understand learning differences.
  • Elevate – Build sustainable, school-wide literacy support systems.

This is a must-attend event for all educators committed to helping students with dyslexia succeed.

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