Unlock potential through funding programs

Discover the power of the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution by removing financial barriers to education resources in schools and at home.


Learn about available federal funding

School funding can be a complex and confusing landscape. Below, you’ll find currently available funding sources, which are accessible to local education agencies aiming to bring the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution to their students.

Title I
Title IV
Title VI

Title I is the largest federal aid program for U.S. public schools, distributing funds to schools based on the number of low-income students, yet aimed at those academically struggling. It supports disadvantaged students by offering remediation and intervention to meet challenging state academic standards.

  • These funds are meant to enhance, not replace, the existing core curriculum and can be used for intervention programs, supplemental materials, technology, small group instruction, tutoring, and professional development.
  • Schools may also integrate Title I funding with their existing intervention efforts. Specifically, the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution can be an effective supplemental tool, providing grade-level content to assist students still mastering decoding skills.

Title IV has three priority areas: well-rounded education, safe and healthy students, and technology. Title IV funds are distributed to LEAs based on their Title I allocations and are very flexible as long as purchases align to the three priority areas. Districts can use Title IV funding under the technology focus area to invest in tools – like the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution – that support teachers in using digital technology to provide a well-rounded curriculum.


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is the federal law requiring that students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment, regardless of the severity of the disability.

IDEA supports activities that use current and emerging technologies to improve access to the content of educational media and materials for children with disabilities. For students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities that cause them to read below grade level, the Learning  Ally Audiobook Solution bridges the reading gap by providing equitable access to grade-level content in a format students can easily absorb.


Title VI provides financial assistance to rural districts to assist them in meeting their state’s definition of adequate yearly progress (AYP). Applicants do not compete but rather are entitled to funds if they meet basic eligibility requirements.

Recipients may use program funds for teacher professional development, including programs that train teachers to use technology to improve teaching and that train teachers of students with special needs. Title VI also can support educational technology for rural and small schools, including software and hardware, that meets the requirements of ESEA, Title II, Part D.

I absolutely love the program!

Yukima Vannoy, Supervisor of Secondary ELA, EOSD

Grant options for the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution

The Learning Ally Audiobook Solution is available to schools and districts nationwide. When existing funds are exhausted , determined schools and districts nationwide have found creative funding solutions to provide the students with this powerful literacy solution.


Dollar General Youth Literacy Grants

Schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations that help students who are below grade level or having trouble reading are eligible to apply for Dollar General Youth Literacy Grants.


The Nora Roberts Foundation (MD, DC, WV)

The Nora Roberts Foundation believes that literacy is a human right, and have made supporting literacy organizations their highest priority. The Nora Roberts Foundation Literacy Opportunity Fund grants are awarded up to $6,000, and accepts applications four times per year.


Believe in Reading Grant

Believe in Reading awards grants to existing and provably successful literacy programs. Believe in Reading awards grants to organizations that have been designated as having tax-exempt status according to the IRS Code Section 501(c)(3), or its equivalent for educational institutions, including public libraries.

Our Impact

Our reach continues to grow as our proven solutions turn struggling readers into grade-level achievers.


We're here to help

Learning Ally can also offer state-level guidance on applicable funding and grant opportunities. Contact one of our funding specialists today.

Mature senior woman using a laptop at home