Help with Dyslexia

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Audiobooks for kids with dyslexia is not cheating

Your child’s dyslexia may be masking their creativity and holding back their unique abilities. Dr. Sally Shaywitz, Co-Director of Yale University’s Center for Dyslexia and Creativity, describes dyslexics’ unique experience: “They’re very smart, they think in different ways, they’re creative...but they can’t read quickly.”

Our Audiobook Solution lets your child:

  • Read independently alongside their peers
  • Participate actively in the classroom
  • Choose and read books based on their interests, not their current reading level.

We remove barriers to reading comprehension – so your child can reach their full potential. Imagine your child’s face when they realize how smart they truly are!

Membership has its benefits!


Is Learning Ally Right for Your Child?

The use of Learning Ally audiobooks are restricted to those who have a demonstrated learning disability, visual impairment, or physical disability that makes it difficult to read using traditional print. For legal reasons, we require documentation from a qualified professional for each member.

Take The Dyslexia Test
audio books for kids