Image for Food fight the inside story of the food industry  America's obesity crisis  and what we can do about it

Food fight the inside story of the food industry America's obesity crisis and what we can do about it

by Brownell Kelly D.


"In Food Fight, Kelly D. Brownell, a world expert on obesity, nutrition, and eating disorders, reveals both the roots of the problem and what might be done. Along with coauthor Katherine Battle Horgen, he traces the subtle convergence of public indifference, corporate opportunism, and tradition that in a few short decades has transformed the American waistline and has created a tidal wave of disease. The authors offer an unflinching assessment of a culture that feeds its pets better than its children, manipulates children into poor eating habits with toy giveaways and in-school promotions, and makes it nearly impossible for the poor to be healthy." "But Food Fight offers good news, too. It is an inspiring call to action from one of the nation's most effective public health advocates. Dr. Brownell outlines bold public policy initiatives for reversing the trend. He and Dr. Horgen describe steps individuals can take to help safeguard their own and their families' health. And they offer a workable plan for improving individual and family eating and exercise habits."--BOOK JACKET.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2004
ISBN-13 9780071402507
ISBN-10 0071402500
Class Copyright
Publisher Contemporary Books
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 344
Shelf No. HA064