Learning Ally | Read and Raise

Transforming Lives of Students with Print Disabilities




Can you decipher this?

1 in ϛ Amcirean Stneduts stggurle to raed the prtnied wrod due to dyxelsia and retaled leinrang distilibaies 20% of stneduts wtih leinrang distilibaies dorp out of hgih scoohl. Edotacurs Say Learning Ally Wskro!

How’d that go? How did it make you feel? Were you able to decipher the message? Imagine the frustration and anxiety a student with a learning disability experiences when trying to read the printed word. Together, we can help struggling readers succeed academically and believe in themselves, so they can achieve their goals and dreams – ultimately changing the direction of their lives. Donate today and get the word out!

Books Recorded This School Year


Volunteer Hours This School Year


Pages Read This School Year


Students Reading This School Year


Data for School Year 2016/2017

Our Volunteers

Learning Ally volunteers share why they donate their time and expertise helping to record audiobooks for struggling readers.

Learning Ally volunteers outside of studio building

Why Volunteer?

As a volunteer you will be serving an entire community that empowers dyslexic, blind and visually impaired students to succeed.

Ways to Volunteer

Building Books

Volunteer to produce audiobooks

Learn how we transform printed books to life for our audiobook readers.

Woman recording audiobook in studio

Other Ways to Help

Volunteering beyond the audiobook

No matter who you are, you can help us support struggling readers.

Abigail running marathon with guide