Sarah Beth Rogers

Sarah Beth Rogers

Waco, TX

Winner of Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Awards(LTL) for Students with a Learning Disability


Sarah Beth Rogers is currently a freshman at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, majoring in communications. She was diagnosed with dyslexia in first grade and later diagnosed with ADHD. The school she attended was not accustomed to teaching kids with learning disabilities, making it very hard for her to keep up academically with her classmates. Sarah discovered Learning Ally in middle school, and says it totally changed the way she thought of reading. “Before, reading had been one of the most difficult and discouraging things I had to do. Leaning Ally helped me read more quickly, understand the material, and even made me fall in love with books. All these years I had let dyslexia stand in the way of my love of books. Learning Ally showed me that with a little help, reading could be a fun and beautiful pastime.”
