Michael Sciarabba

Michael Sciarabba

Boulder, CO

Winner of Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Awards(LTL) for Students with a Learning Disability


Michael Sciarabba is a freshman at University of Colorado Boulder, pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering with dreams of working on space exploration. Michael was officially diagnosed with dyslexia in 6th grade and believes that dyslexia is a gift that allows him to think differently. He first went to a YES! workshop in middle school and worked to become the best self-advocate he could. Learning Ally opened up a whole new world to Michael. He says he felt as though his potential wasn't fully discovered until he read his first book with Learning Ally, which gave him the confidence he needed to become the leader he is today. In school, Michael has worked to educate his teachers, classmates and community about dyslexia and he has helped middle school students learn about self advocacy. As a Boy Scout, Michael achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in December, 2014.
