Learning Ally - National Achievement Awards: Carlos Baeza

Carlos Baeza

Tallahassee, Florida

A native of Colombia, Carlos was born with cerebral palsy and coped with the loss of his sight at age 14. Nevertheless, he earned his Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs and Psychology from Florida State University, and is currently pursuing his Masters of Social Work there.  “From the first day I used the services at Learning Ally, it made a huge difference in my life. I can honestly say that I would have never been able to obtain my college degree if I had not access to the materials necessary to complete my course work,” he says. “Still, things that a lot of people take for granted, such as going to the cafeteria or from classroom to classroom on a college campus, were real challenges as I pursued my college degree. I am convinced, however, that the obstacles we face serve to help to build our character and make us stronger individuals.”
