Tara Bergeron

Tara Bergeron

Tara Bergeron

A graduate of Manchester Community College (A.A. Human Services 1995), a graduate cum laude of Eastern Connecticut State University (B.A. Sociology 2016), and a current Master of Social Work student at Simmons College; Learning Ally has been the cornerstone of my education for over three decades. Born legally blind in 1970, I have been engaged with Learning Ally since 1980. I have received nearly one thousand recorded books from Learning Ally. Included in this number are both textbooks which fostered my formal academic education, as well as other literature types which satiated my personal curiosities about our world.

I currently have almost a decade of social service employment experience. Most recently, I have held positions as both a Tri-Town Senior Services Program Manager for a Connecticut Community Action Agency, and as the Director of the Department of Human Services for a Connecticut municipality. Upon completion of my MSW, I plan to return to full-time employment in the social work field.
