
What is Brain-Based Reading Instruction?

Brain-Based Reading Instruction leverages the latest in evidence-based instruction of how the brain learns to read and is guided by the leading research in effective literacy instruction.

Based in Research

Based in Research

In partnership with K-12 education researchers, authors, and thought partners, Learning Ally developed this classroom video library aligned to the latest in evidence-based literacy research. Through the partnership with these individuals and our study on the various components of the science of reading, Learning Ally designed a program that relies on the latest in science, brain, and literacy research to ensure an effective and impactful learning experience for all educators.

Introduction to Brain-Based Reading Instruction

Brain-Based Reading Instruction highlights the development of the reading brain and how instruction should occur. Here, Dr. Molly Ness explains how combined with the science of reading, Learning Ally focuses on the important role of the brain’s development in reading. Brain-Based Reading Instruction reminds us that literacy development has many interwoven components.

The Reading Rope

The Reading Rope, created by Dr. Hollis Scarborough, is a graphical representation of the many components of reading development. Here, Dr. Molly Ness walks through the aspects of the Reading Rope to help us better understand Dr. Scarborough’s work.


Learning Ally's Brain-Based Reading Solutions

Learning Ally’s programs are rooted in evidence-based practices that align with the latest research on how students learn to read. Learning Ally equips educators and students with the tools and resources necessary to bridge the literacy gap, empowering all students to become confident and proficient readers.

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