Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century Pearson Custom Education Ser. by Spencer G. Niles; JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey 3RD ED Copyright Year: 2009 ISBN-13: 9780132254380 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century Interventions That Work Ser. by Spencer G. Niles; JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey 4th Edition Copyright Year: 2013 ISBN-13: 9780132658591 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Essential Elements of Career Counseling Alternative eText Formats Ser. by Spencer G. Niles; Norman E. Amundson; Jo Ann G. Harris-Bowlsbey 2ND ED Copyright Year: 2009 ISBN-13: 9780131582187 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Essential elements of career counseling processes and techniques by Amundson Norman E. Copyright Year: 2005 ISBN-13: 9780131122710 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Career guidance and counseling through the lifespan systematic approaches by Herr Edwin L. 6th ed. Copyright Year: 2004 ISBN-13: 9780321081391 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.