Everyday life in early America Everyday life in America series. by Hawke David Freeman. 1st ed Copyright Year: 1988 ISBN-13: 9780060912512 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Essential linguistics what you need to know to teach reading ESL spelling phonics and grammar by Freeman David E. Copyright Year: 2004 ISBN-13: 9780325002743 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.
Carl Sagan's cosmic connection an extraterrestrial perspective by Sagan Carl Copyright Year: 1973 ISBN-13: 9780521783033 Available format(s): Classic Audio Log in to read What's an Audio Format Audio format refers to the way an audiobook is recorded. Not all audiobooks have the same formats. Classic Audio: A human reading an audiobook without the text displayed. VOICEtext (H): Human narrator with text that you can follow along with as it reads. VOICEtext (S): Synthetic voice with text you can follow along with as it reads.