Image for Mindfulness and psychotherapy

Mindfulness and psychotherapy

by Germer Christopher K.


Responding to growing interest among psychotherapists of all theoretical orientations, this practical book provides a comprehensive introduction to mindfulness and its contemporary clinical applications. The authors, who have been practicing both mindfulness and psychotherapy for decades, present a range of clear-cut procedures for practicing mindfulness techniques and teaching them to patients experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and other problems. Also addressed are ways that mindfulness practices can increase acceptance and empathy in the therapeutic relationship. The book reviews the philosophical underpinnings of mindfulness and presents compelling empirical findings. User-friendly features include illustrative case examples, practice exercises, and resource listings.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2005
ISBN-13 9781593851392
ISBN-10 1593851391
Class Copyright
Publisher Guilford Press
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 339
Length of Recording 17
Shelf No. HG665