Pulling it Together Learning Effectively

1. What is your learning style?  Are you a visual, auditory or tactile learner? Which format do you prefer? How do you use braille, print or audio to achieve your learning goals?


2. How comfortable are you with being blind or visually impaired? How comfortable are you in clearly articulating your learning needs to others including professors, readers and scribes? How do you plan to address blindness or visual impairment in conjunction with your learning?


3. How do you currently interact with human notetakers, readers or other student assistants?  How can you improve your interactions in the future? What specific direction or guidance do you provide to each person who assists you?


4. How do you manage your time?


5. Do you prefer studying alone, with a peer or in a group?


6. What kind of study environment do you find most comfortable?  Does the environment you enjoy the most also help you to get the best results that you can on papers and exams?  If your grades have not been as good as you’d like them to be, which study skills would help you to improve them?

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