Image for Achieving Excellence in the Management of Human Service Organizations

Achieving Excellence in the Management of Human Service Organizations

by Peter M. Kettner


This book attempts to create an integrated model for management and administrative practice in the management of human service organizations. The book presents a theoretical foundation for human services management and identifies the major roles and responsibilities of the manager/administrator.To date, management books have identified problems in organizational functioning and described how systems should work. This book goes beyond description. First, it identifies themes that serve as guidelines to insure internal consistency within the organization. Then it proposes what managers need to do to put their organizations back on track toward excellence. The overall emphasis is on how to get employees to perform at their optimum levels to insure organizational efficiency, effectiveness, quality and productivity.For people in Human Services Management and Social Work Administration/ Management.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2002
ISBN-13 9780205318780
ISBN-10 0205318789
Class Copyright
Publisher Allyn & Bacon Incorporated
Subject Social Science
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 416
Shelf No. KP265