Image for End of watch Chicago police killed in the line of duty  1853-2006

End of watch Chicago police killed in the line of duty 1853-2006

by Burke Edward M.


The book examines the remarkable sacrifice of 526 sworn officers of the Chicago Police Department through detailed narratives of each officer and the circumstances involved in their deaths. The book traces the heroic history of Chicago's finest with accounts of each episode drawn from municipal records, police files, contemporaneous newspapers, court documents and ground breaking research. The book is a detailed account of how Chicago grew told through the paradigm of its most remarkable heroes. The setting unfolds against the background of Chicago's vast colorful array of neighborhoods and personalities era after era.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2007
ISBN-13 9780978866334
ISBN-10 0978866339
Class Copyright
Publisher Chicago's Books Press
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 565
Length of Recording 24
Shelf No. JY404