Image for At home in a new land

At home in a new land

I can read book

by Sandin Joan.


Finally, Carl Erik and his family have come to the end of their long journey from Sweden to their new home in Minnesota! But Carl Erik finds that though the trip is over, a whole new adventure awaits. He must attend a new school where lessons are taught in English. His closest neighbors just happen to be Indians. And when his father travels to a distant town to work, Carl Erik must face the challenges of being the man of the house-including finding a way to feed his family. Will Carl Erik ever feel at home in his new land? Joan Sandin creates a moving portrait of the uncertainty, eagerness, and triumphs that come with moving to a new country.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2007
ISBN-13 9780060580773
ISBN-10 0060580771
Class Copyright
Publisher HarperCollins
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 64
Shelf No. JT526
Grade Range 0 - 3
Ages 4 - 8