Image for Introduction to Learning and Behavior

Introduction to Learning and Behavior

by Russell A. Powell; Diane G. Symbaluk; Suzanne E. Macdonald; P. Lynne Honey


Designed to apply learning theory and principles to the presentation of learning, this text shows how learning principles work in both animals and people. Throughout the book, the authors show how the study of learning helps solve practical problems, such as improving study skills, improving relationships, raising children, and effectively stopping smoking. This book is both solidly based in research and engaging for the student. To help ensure that students understand the materials, the authors strategically include multiple opportunities for review and self-testing within the text.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2009
ISBN-13 9780495595281
ISBN-10 0495595284
Class Copyright
Publisher Wadsworth
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 576
Length of Recording 32
Shelf No. JH463