Image for The Secret Language of Leadership

The Secret Language of Leadership

How Leaders Inspire Action Through Narrative

J-B US non-Franchise Leadership Ser.

by Stephen Denning


The book introduces the concept of narrative intelligence-an ability to understand and act and react agilely in the quicksilver world of interacting narratives. It shows why this is key to the central task of leadership, what its dimensions are, and how you can measure it. The book's lucid explanations, vivid examples and practical tips are essential reading for CEOs, managers, change agents, marketers, salespersons, brand managers, politicians, teachers, parents-anyone who is setting out to the change the world.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2007
ISBN-13 9780787987893
ISBN-10 0787987891
Class Copyright
Publisher John Wiley & Sons Incorporated
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 304
Shelf No. JF732