Image for Principles of radiographic imaging an art and a science

Principles of radiographic imaging an art and a science

by Carlton Richard R.


Strength of the book is the writing style, with an approach that builds from the simple to the complex. Principles of Radiographic Imaging presents clear and concise information on radiographic contrast, density, detail and distortion, and ties those concepts together to present an overall picture of radiographic exposure. Radiographic Imaging is a required part of the Radiologic Technology curriculum, so any student who is studying to be a Radiologic Technologist, will need a book such as this to complete the curriculum.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2006
ISBN-13 9781401871949
ISBN-10 1401871941
Class Copyright
Publisher Thomson/Delmar Learning
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 774
Length of Recording 60
Shelf No. HS894