Image for European street gangs and troublesome youth groups

European street gangs and troublesome youth groups

Violence prevention and policy series

by Decker Scott H.


This unique volume by eminent gang researchers presents valuable new data on European youth gangs, describing important characteristics of these groups, and their similarities and differences to American gangs. Their findings from the Eurogang Research Program highlight the impact of immigration and ethnicity, urbanization, national influences, and local neighborhood circumstances on gang development in several European countries. It is an important resource on crime, delinquency and youth development for criminologists, sociologists, youth workers, policy makers, local governments, and law enforcement professionals. Visit our website for sample chapters!

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Classic Audio

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Book Information

Copyright year 2005
ISBN-13 9780759107939
ISBN-10 0759107939
Class Copyright
Publisher AltaMira Press
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 348
Length of Recording 16
Shelf No. HN468