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An introduction to human factors engineering

by Wickens Christopher D.


This book describes the capabilities and limitations of the human operator—both physical and mental—and how these should be used to guide the design of systems with which people interact. General principles of human-system interaction and design are presented, and included are specific examples of successful and unsuccessful interactions. It links theories of human performance that underlie the principles with real-world experience, without a heavy engineering-oriented perspective.Topics include design and evaluation methods; different systems such as visual, auditory, tactile, vestibular, automated, and transportation; cognition, decision-making, and aesthetics; physiology; and stress, safety, accidents, and human error.An excellent reference for personnel and managers in the workplace.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2004
ISBN-13 9780131837362
ISBN-10 0131837362
Class Copyright
Publisher Pearson/Prentice Hall
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 589
Shelf No. GZ418