Image for Interviewing and change strategies for helpers fundamental skills and cognitive behavioral interventions

Interviewing and change strategies for helpers fundamental skills and cognitive behavioral interventions

by Cormier L. Sherilyn (Louise Sherilyn)


1. About this Book. 2. Building Your Foundation as a Helper. 3. Understanding Nonverbal Behavior. 4. Ingredients of an Effective Helping Relationship. 5. Listening Responses. 6. Relationship Enhancement Variables and Interpersonal Influence. 7. Influencing Responses. 8. Conceptualizing and Assessing Client Issues, Concerns, and Contexts. 9. Conducting an Interview Assessment with Clients. 10. Identifying, Defining, and Evaluating Outcome Goals. 11. Treatment Planning and Selection. 12. Imagery and Modeling Strategies. 13. Reframing, Cognitive Modeling, and Problem Solving Strategies. 14. Cognitive Change and Cognitive Restructuring Strategies. 15. Stress Management Strategies. 16. Meditation and Movement Strategies. 17. Desensitization Strategies. 18. Self-Management Strategies: Self-Monitoring, Stimulas Control, Self-Reward, Self-as-a-Model, and Self-Efficacy.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2003
ISBN-13 9780534537395
ISBN-10 0534537391
Class Copyright
Publisher Thomson-Brooks/Cole
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 691
Shelf No. GR198