Image for Prompt and utter destruction Truman and the use of atomic bombs against Japan

Prompt and utter destruction Truman and the use of atomic bombs against Japan

by Walker J. Samuel.


In this concise account of why America used atomic bombs against Japan in 1945, J. Samuel Walker analyzes the reasons behind President Truman's most controversial decision. Delineating what was known and not known by American leaders at the time, Walker evaluates the roles of U.S.-Soviet relations and of American domestic politics. In this new edition, Walker takes into account recent scholarship on the topic, including new information on the Japanese decision to surrender. He has also revised the book to place more emphasis on the effect of the Soviet invasion of Manchuria in convincing the emperor and his advisers to quit the war. Rising above an often polemical debate, Walker presents an accessible synthesis of previous work and an important, original contribution to our understanding of the events that ushered in the atomic age.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2004
ISBN-13 9780807856079
ISBN-10 080785607X
Class Copyright
Publisher University of North Carolina Press
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 151
Shelf No. JF104